animation / concept management


Shaded Chasm ->

Shaded Chasm is the working name for a 2D horror/romance RPG that has been in development on and off since 2011 when the first concepts were created. Dark and narrative-based, this game will span 14 chapters, feature choices that matter, and unforgettable characters. Stay tuned!

Glitch☆ ->

The Famicase Game Jam gained momentum and popularity in 2015 and enticed our team to join in. While incomplete, Glitch would have been a cute arcady game, exploring the narrative of a damaged girl eliminating her flaws in order to attract the boy of her dreams. In the process she undoes the world around her, becoming unrecognizable in the process. Will she work to repair her world or succumb to her sorrow?

Grimoire ->

We tried to return to the Develteam Halloween Game Jam in 2015, but could not complete our project. Grimoire was set to be a mystery puzzle game set inside a haunted house on Halloween night. A girl returns from trick-or-treating to find her parents missing, her brother vanished, and no way out. She must unravel the spooky mystery that has befallen her home by solving puzzles in the dark.

Rook ->

In 2014, we returned to the Develteam Halloween Game Jam to bring home another win! Rook is a simple sidescroller game featuring platforming and light combat. The player must save Halloween by collecting as much candy as they can, previously stolen by the bitter parents of the town. Upon defeating each parent, the player will gain a new costume with different skills and powers for the next level.


Develteam, a website devoted to indie devs finding ways of collaboration, launched a game jam in 2013. This was the first year we entered. The prompt was to create a game within 2 weeks that featured 2 entirely different types of gameplay. We settled on a classic shooter with a twist and a stealth sidscroller mashup. The result was Vampspire, a game where the player must escape the evil vampire’s tower, surviving an onslaught of pursuers and deadly guards. We developed both a desktop and mobile version of the game and managed to pull off a win. Plans were made to continue developing this game into a fully fledged title. Perhaps in the future we can make it a reality.